Air Changes per Hour (ACH)
1000 sqft | 1500 sqft | 2000 sqft | 2500 sqft | 3000 sqft | 3500 sqft | 4000 sqft | 4500 sqft | 5000 sqft | |
AWW-350 | 2.63 ACH | 1.75 ACH | 1.31 ACH | .95 ACH | .88 ACH | .75 ACH | .66 ACH | .58 ACH | .53 ACH |
Based on 8′ ceilings
Generally speaking, the more air changes per hour (ACH) you can provide, the more effective a HEPA filter can be.
1 ACH provides excellent air cleaning results (higher is recommended for people with sensitivities).
Remember: More HEPA is better than less, but some HEPA is better than nothing at all.
Click here for a complete sizing chart with all Amaircare central systems.