
BelKraft Stainless Universal Water Purifier


  • 304 surgical steel housing
  • Lead free brass shut-off and compression bolt
  • Braided ice-maker flex hoses
  • Metal housing wrench
  • Lead free brass T-splitter
  • O-ring lubricated with food grade NSF certified silicone
  • World finest 6 stage washable ceramic water purifier cartridge
  • Full 50 year warranty

Click HERE for Speck Sheet and more details

Original price was: $1,346.00.Current price is: $845.00.



Made in Canada with a solid 304 surgical stainless steel housing

This unit houses a custom designed 6 stage washable ceramic cartridge which is by far the best on the market.

First a washable sub-micron Porcelain Ceramic pre-filter prevents clogging of the cartridge and thereby extends its effective life. The ceramic pre filter also acts as an automatic shut off valve by slowing water flow to indicate that the ceramic needs cleaning without risking contamination of the cartridge or drinking water.

Impregnation of the ceramic element with silver renders its surface bacteriostatic – that is, bacteria cannot grow on the surface. This ensures that you can change or clean the cartridge with no fear of contamination. In contrast to the silver which is used in activated carbon filters, the silver in the ceramic element is in a form which will not leach out, so its effectiveness exceeds the life of the element. Free silver ions (Ag+) have a toxic effect on micro-organisms even in relatively low concentrations. They have a highly fungicidal, bactericidal and algaecidel effect, therefore removing all harmful bacteria, parasites and viruses including Gardia Lambia Cysts, Cryptosporidium, E Coli, Fecal Coliforms, Hepatitus B and Salmonella.

Stage three removes all heavy metals including lead, mercury, aluminum, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium and silver.

Stage four is a solid carbon block for all chemicals, which is so compressed that it is the equivalent of over 300,000 square yards of filtering media.

Stage 5 and 6 removes fluoride and the highest possible amount of chloramines.

Installation is easy

T-Valve for water line

Splitter to fridge ice-maker

Designer faucets

When you install a purifier under the sink there are many ways to connect to the cold water line.

Standard T-splitter

This makes installations a breeze. Simply unscrew the flex hose to your faucet, attach the splitter, reconnect your faucet hose and attach the filter flex hose.

Other style connectors

There are many different ways to connect your under counter to the cold water line, but if there is no place to attach a connector because the pipe runs straight up to the faucet, then we can send you the ‘Self Piercing Saddle Valve’ which can connect to a half inch or quarter inch pipe

Saddle Valve

Click HERE to see the Spec Sheet

We are so confident that this is the highest quality water purifier on this planet that if you should find one better quality we will ship this unit to you for free. Click HERE for more details.

From all the different methods of treating water click HERE to read about your options and why we use the 6 stage washable ceramics